U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?

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U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / shaem

well sir...i want to join BPO Bcoz i've found in other jobs
the satisfaction is only on my part... but in BPO i found
it in 2 ways...
1.how much the customers are satisfied by us
2.how much we are satisfied in satisfying the customers
i think satisfying the persons whom we even dont know is
the hardest part... we have to persuade them... once we
gain the power of persuasion then succeess will be always
wit us and our reputation preceeds us... and working along
wit team is always encouraging and their will be seniors to
assist me.thats one of the reasons why i wanted to join BPO.

Is This Answer Correct ?    503 Yes 58 No

U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / nitin

ya i have done b.tech and i would like to join bpo bcoz bpo is the only industry in which we can enhance our skills and learn lots about the customers and the market value of the company product it is the only industry which provides lots of facilities to their employees and also b.tech is not the issue that we r bounded for only it industry we r passionate for our work and my attitude will be working in any enviroment and make our enviroment oneself.bpo provides u best n best facilities and also provide fast growth if u have the skills to do anything.

Is This Answer Correct ?    287 Yes 18 No

U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / sravan kumar

BPO is a very fasting growing industry it offers very good learning opportunities and career growth  to both freshers and experienced candidates.I want to enhance my communication skills with interacting with different kind of peoples. moreover i done my btech just for completing my graduation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    172 Yes 20 No

U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / davinder

well sir i have done btec only to improove my skills or
knowledge. b'coz i think that b.tech is much better then ba
or b.com.in this we learn all kind of subject like
technical as well as theoretical i.e why i have done
b.tech .but i have no intenshion to do a software job.

Is This Answer Correct ?    191 Yes 76 No

U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / jam

i want to work and excel to a new environment.i want to gain
knowledge that will utilized my abilities, and learn
something anew to me, by then i can contribute positive
feedback as much of value as i can.

Is This Answer Correct ?    71 Yes 31 No

U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / prashant

To be very frank if you go through my grade sheet of engineering then we could easily realise that I was a mediocre student. Finally after my engineering was completed I came to realise that I should start my career in a new path which has huge potential and growth. Then the thought that came tp to my mind was of bpos. I collected a lot of ideas about the growth in bpos and how things work. Sooner I realised the potential it has in it. It generally deals with customers service, in recent scenario what makes a company to differ from other one is the after sell service and that's customers service. For any business whatsoever be the kind of business the sole purpose is customer satisfaction. If they are satisfied then the company has a rising future and if not results could be disastrous. So concluding myself I would like to say customer service or the bpos are playing vital role at present in economical growth of a company.

Is This Answer Correct ?    43 Yes 7 No

U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / praveen

Bpo is the only field that will be stable. In present
suitation no. of software jobs is much less than no. of
b.tech graduates. b.tech is also one type of degree which
is having more priority than other degrees. so my short-
term goal is to get a job and this field is helpful to me
to improve my communication skills.

Is This Answer Correct ?    37 Yes 14 No

U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / ritesh

because bpo is the only industry which is recession free and
on the other hand in it companies after every 3-4 year we
can see recession so there is no stability in working with
them ,therefore i prefer bpo industry as my career option
for better future opportunities .

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 13 No

U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / teja

The reason why I want to see myself in a bpo is very fast growing industry. It offers a lots of facilities to their employees and also B.tech is not the issue that we are bounded for only the company. So I am interested in this particular sector. Moreover we know about the customers and the market value of the company product. Bpo has got a great boom and how much the customers are satisfied by us.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

U have done BTECH still u want to join BPO why?..

Answer / nikhil bhardwaj

Sir,from my point of view it is not compulsory that if u r from a technical line then you should have to make their career in the technical field.If you get job in other field like kpo,bpo or other with a good salary u have to join that field.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 17 No

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