Is Bank Reconciliation Statement is compulsory prepared? Even when both cash & Bank Book are tally?
13 36666Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop in the same n/w, now how the DHCP is going to assign a IP add. to it and how it will came to know that there's one new machine added.
13 21840Suppose in SNMP managed Network, Network card of one machine fails then how Management Devices comes to know about this machine and suppose in other case machine gets shutdown then how it will be recoginised.
7 12429What is wrong with the following data declaration? 01 W-DATE PIC X(6). 05 DD PIC 99. 05 MM PIC 99. 05 YY PIC 99. (a) Nothing is wrong. (b) Under W-DATE all level 05 items are having a PIC 99 but level 01 has PIC X(6). (c) PIC can't be specified for a group item. (d) DD, MM, and YY are invalid datanames.
6 12143Post New Mphasis Interview Questions
What are the features of collections management?
What Is The 2016 Eu-wide Stress Test About?
What is a class in unity?
Where is dbms used?
Describe how you would build a chatbot.
How to record a qtp script ?
what happen if the load connected to the induction motor is taken away? the same question for synchoronous generator in synch i think that the the exitation voltage will appear on the terminal only if so plz answer me
What documents will you need to create a test case?
Is not equal in sql?
What is orm in c#?
Why do we need hibernate?
While HT line put on to activate ACB in low tention panel VCB tripping instantly.why it happens
What is a managed webserver?
What are the classes placed in the weblogic classpath?