Can anyone tell me what is Server and Instance in sap,wat
is exact meaning of that?
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Answer / sanjay
Instance could be defined as a combination of one or more
process addition with memory allocation. it might be central
instance, dialog instance or database instance. each n every
instance have certain number of work processes with instance
specific memory area.
dispatcher and workprocess could be a part of instance but
not defined as a complete instance without memory.
server comes from the logic of parent and child relationship
in between two applications. one the parent application is
known as domain server, and others child applications are
known as clients, and managed from the server.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 1 No |
In plain terms 'Server' means a object/componenet that
services request.
Instance in SAP
An Instance in SAP is a combination of Application Server &
Database Server i.e.
When you use the SAP GUI to connect to the Application
Server, the application server in turn communicates to the
database server to service your requests.
The entire Instance is divided into subcomponents
(Application server, Database server) so that the
complexity is reduced, maintenance & deployement becomes
easy. The above are some of the advantages, to understand
what it all means hou have to get hold of some material
that dwelves on 'Client-Server' ARchitecture
Is This Answer Correct ? | 12 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / vsr
instance is a logical unit it consists of a set of r/3
workprocesses that are adminstered by a dispatcher process
1 computer there can be a multiple r/3 instances.
an appln server is a computer with one or more r/3
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / abdul azeez
central application sever which contains message server and
enqueue server . where as insatnce does not contains
message and enqueue server it is logical .. u can find
difference in r/3 parameters like application server u
will assign SAP SYSTEM NO: 00 if ur assigning through smlg
another instance it will SAP SYSTEM NO: 01 (100 instance
can deploy in an application server )
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / elaiyaraja
hi instant mean allocate resource sap sever default instant
is a sever instant
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 12 No |
Answer / syed mahboob feroz ahmed
Server in SAP could be Presentation,Application and
DataBase all the 3 in one system is called as SAP Server
and an instance could be say if we are trying to connect
Backend System to SAP Server then this is called as an
Instance.(for example backend system could EP,BI,XI or PI).
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 8 No |
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