What is "far" and "near" pointers in "c"...?

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What is "far" and "near" pointers in "c"...?..

Answer / narasimha

"near" and "far" pointers are actually non-standard
qualifiers that you'll find only on x86 systems. They
reflect the odd segmentation architecture of Intel
processors. In short, a near pointer is an offset only,
which refers to an address in a known segment. A far pointer
is a compound value, containing both a segment number and an
offset into that segment.

Segmentation still exists on Intel processors, but it is not
used in any of the mainstream 32-bit operating systems
developed for them, so you'll generally only find the "near"
and "far" keywords in source code developed for Windows 3.x,
MS-DOS, Xenix/80286, etc.

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What is "far" and "near" pointers in "c"...?..

Answer / rag

It is used to access the higher memory addresses.

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What is "far" and "near" pointers in "c"...?..

Answer / peter

I think it's kind of pointer for different computer
architecture such as X86, IBM power server and so on because
various model of memory model is different.

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