

int i = 100;


printf("%d", sizeof(sizeof(i)));


a. 2

b. 100

c. 4

d. none of the above

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main() { int i = 100; clrscr(); printf("%d", sizeof(sizeof(i))); } ..

Answer / guest

a) 2

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main() { int i = 100; clrscr(); printf("%d", sizeof(sizeof(i))); } ..

Answer / rakesh

ans will depend upon the compiler being used
if it c then it's (a)

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main() { int i = 100; clrscr(); printf("%d", sizeof(sizeof(i))); } ..

Answer / sandeep

answer :

a> 2

becase sizeof method return the size of passed
arguments's data type

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main() { int i = 100; clrscr(); printf("%d", sizeof(sizeof(i))); } ..

Answer / karthi


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main() { int i = 100; clrscr(); printf("%d", sizeof(sizeof(i))); } ..

Answer / kurt s

sizeof() is a compile-time operator, and it's implementation-specific. Depending on compiler and operating system, it is likely to be either (a) or (c). My desktop machine (Fedora core 13 , 32-bit) returns 4, but my old laptop running Win2000 returns 2.

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