In the User exits how you can use sub screen and please
tell me the
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how many pages in sap scripts 00to98 or 00to99 ...?
Explain the difference between call screen and leave screen?
What is Diff b/w Basic type and Message type?
What is page window?
What is your approach for writing a bdc program? : abap bdc
Example of table cluster and cluster tables.
How to find Buffered or not?
2 Answers Cap Gemini, Unilogic Software, Visa Steel,
how to run bdc program in background?
How do we handle multiple line items in BDC's.
In the abap/4 dictionary tables can be defined independent of the underlying database (t/f). : abap data dictionary
What is report category and for what purpose do we use report category
what is use of tcp/ip in real time for abaper??