Why most of the software company preferred manual testing
even though many automation testing tools are present in the

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / muthuraja

I Agree automation tool is expensive compare to manual
testing. Here some more points:

1) Creative test cannot be done by automation tool. It
should execute, what automation engineer write the scipts.

2)Most of deadline based job, everyone can prefer to manual

3) Automation tool mostly execute for regression testing.

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / annalaxmi

When Compare to Automation tools, manual testing is bit

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / raj

ya its cost effective ut this not the main reason
,,,,,actualy we can't test all the features exactly as in
manual testing ...
eg;in a login window
we can only check the physical features'

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / naveen kumar

Automation is expensive when compare to Manual Testing

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / deepika

1) Expertise resource should be available
2) This is the cost effective
3) Only for maintanence projects automation is used becoz
its is to do regression testing

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / amrutha

Because automation tools canot be used for all data base
but where manual testing is done for most of web

the result which we get from manual can be realyed when
compare to automation

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / chand

Automated tool cost
Can not automate all the areas in an application.
Lack of expertisation.

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / bhavani

There are few reasons for to prefer manual testing rather than automation:
1.manual testing cost less(ie.adapting a new tool)
2.not all projects can be done through automation.
3.expertise in tools is required for automation.
4.if one need to execute test-cases for few times.
5.in manual,tester spends more time on testing a module greater the odds to find the real user bugs(quality is more).

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / karunakar

expensive to buy automachine tools

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Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools..

Answer / sm

Reasons to prefer manual testing other than automation
testing are the following:

1)Automation tools are expensive
2)Using automation tools some times we may miss the most
required work flow paths

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