How did you use the round function?give an example(don't say it will round to the nearest intger) eg1:round(84.55,.1) =84.6 eg2:round(92.64,.1)=92.6,How it is happening like this tell me the logic,that is how the round function works when we have deimal values?
2 28520what is exact entry for cash receipts and cash payments? did sales n purchases invoices are issued to this receipts n payments?
4 7232Post New BoA Interview Questions
What is a higher order component?
What is the difference between layer and tier?
What is a boot-strap program?
Explain the different types of spring container?
Capital secure should be shown in which side of the balance sheet?
Your project's primary constraint is quality. In order to make certain the project team members don't feel too pressed for time and to avoid schedule risk, you decide to use which of the following activity estimating tools? A. Expert judgment B. Quantitatively based durations C. Reserve time D. Analogous estimating
Explain, how to get current environment in laravel 5?
There are two Business areas 1100 and 1200. I need to pick 1200 b.areaonly While enter the transaction? could any one please post the answer for this.
How to proove the solution being used not kill the cell?
What is function of f1 to f12 keys?
What are the different types of metrics available in microstrategy?
How should you type cast a remote object?
What is the definition of url?
Explain how to set and get config item value in codeigniter?
how much C & F will get from company