hello friends..... any one have papers or any study
materials?sail ,hpcl...?
we have 1000 litre water tank,it located at 25m hight from ground level,the water level on 10m below from ground level.for fill the tank within 1 hour,how much of motor rating(HP) want to select?
megger how much voltage will produce ?
IN dc capacitive reactance is??
What is meant by RCCB
What must the distance between two MV cables be when they are laid on tray?
I have seen 1 video in which a person getting shock while standing at top of a train,i have 1 question? why the people sitting in the train doesn't get shock while that man getting shock from top of the train? How the earthing of train works?
transmisssion type
What are the advantages of the three-phase motor over single phase motor?
is KVAR (not reverse power) relay necessary to protect from excitor field failure on a brushless, synchroneus generator? Some people with previos experince tell me no but the manufacturers tell me it is designed for that purpose. Is it that it is only necessary for brushless generators and not the older style with the slip rings and brushes?
We use ACB in LT and VCB in HT.But if we use VCB in LT and ACB in HT that what will be the effect on the system or any power range?
What is the different between Earthing & grounding?
what is full form of google