IN dc capacitive reactance is??
plz explain TSM and PSM.with example suppose ct ratio is 4000/5 and tsm is .15 and plug is at 3.75 if fault current is how i find relay oprating time.
2 Answers College School Exams Tests, ME,
which pump is suitable for home use ?
why surge protectetor work explain with the help of circut diagram?
In scott connection why connect teaser transformer to 86.6% and main transformer to 50%..
what is the capacity of storing mass electricity.
why using earth testing rod 15 meter 30 meter long to each other?
How do you select the pickup value of the relay?
why our power production in multiple of 11, in strictlly asking why our o/p voltage of alternators is 11kv only and whynot graterthan 15 and016KV?
why solinoid coil used in tripping rely?and why not other type coil?
The insulation resistance of a cable can be measured by
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