What is early watch report?
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Answer / vcn
The SAP EarlyWatch Report gives you detailed information
about system status, performance, configuration, system
operation, database administration and trends.
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Answer / damayanthi
SAP EarlyWatch session is the name given to the process
whereby SAP logs in to your Production(not applicable for
non production) system. During this process, SAP service
technicians goes through the SAP system, collects
performance and other data, and then provides the SAP
system administrator with a report of SAP system’s overall
configuration. The benefit of EarlyWatch is that it
highlights problem areas, potential problem areas, and
areas that are configured well, thus helping the SAP
installation manager to stress on performance and
availability of the SAP system. SAP provides this service
as service agreement when we buy license from SAP.
Available twice in a year.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / raja
The sap early watch is conducted by sap employees to
analyze errors and performance. For that they ll use 066 as
client no..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 3 No |
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