What are the steps to define a Bank?
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there are 3 types of bank account
if ur defining internal and customer bank accounts u need
to define payament format.
1.payment format describes in which method u want to make
payment to the supplier
2.how many invoices are to printed in a cheque.
3.how the cheque has to be printed
after defing this save ur work.
step 2
1. enter ur bank name & branch name.
2. click on bank accounts
3. select internal
4. give gl accounts cash & cash clearning
5. click on payables doucument
6. define name of doc & attach ur payment format which we
defined in step one.
7. give the numbering from where to start.
this are the mandatory setup's
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Answer / bharath kumar
we have to define bank in the GL Module as a value in value
set of accounts value set
in that bank a/c is taken as asset as account type
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