Oracle Apps HRMS Interview Questions
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what is the difference between a Job and a Position

Cap Gemini, IBM, Princess Cruises,

17 68144

Hi, I am an MBA with 2.8yrs of experience into HR and very much interested to get into the career of ERP i.e Oracle Apps HRMS...Pls let me know if any openings for freshers in OracleApps HRMS. Regards, Preeti.

Essar, ICICI,

11 21726

Hi, May I know exactly what an implementation is??and what is the exact role of a OracleHR Functional Consultant in implementing Oracle HR.

5 11919

How many key flexfields are there in Oracle HRMS? What are they?

17 50946

Can any one help me out to get the FAQ's in the oracle Apps HRMS Funcional Module


1 6544

What is the difference between Customization,Personalization and Configuration in Oracle Apps?

Eidiko, TCS,

1 19692

what is the flow in hrms

4 16817

To do oracle apps functional hrms ,what the skill set we required? 1. we need to learn oracle hrms functional course. and what else we need to learn to do effectively oracle apps functional hrms? plz reply with suitable answer.My qualification is BCA with MBA .2007 PASSOUT venu : 9347727155


4 15832

what is business requirment gathering?

Oracle, TCS,

2 9286

how many types of extra infoemation is there?


2 6231

how many types of extra information is there?


2 7688

what is work structure


7 25720

how to increase the salary of an employee?

3 8329

what is multiple organaisation

3 6615

how many types of profile option is there in oracle hrms. why it is necessary?

Marvel ERP,

5 30523

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Un-Answered Questions { Oracle Apps HRMS }

what are two modes of date track and what is date track?


What is soft coded key flexfield in oracle hrms?


does oracle support running of gather states on sys schema in oracle apps?


What are the key flex fields present in Oracle HRMS?


what are six validation types?


Whats the difference between MD 50 and RD 50


Explain its importance of bus group id?


What is advanced benefits module in Oracle HRMS?


What is date tracking, how it is used in HRMS ?


Explain about configuration?


Differentiate between jobs and positions in oracle hrms.


Define APIs and use in Oracle HRMS?


how do you link a host type concurrent program to concurrent manager?


What is a security profile?


I am using vision database for practicing HRMS modules , can you tell me for payroll processing what patches are required to run the payroll and what patches are required to open the external site visitor page in iRecruitment? Thanks in advance