What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me
the architecture of that?

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What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / suneel reddy

Traceability matrix is used to map between requirements and
test cases
it is used to check all requirements are covered or not?

USer Reqid/User req description/Functinal req spec/Desugn

Is This Answer Correct ?    113 Yes 7 No

What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / mena

In a software development process, a Traceability Matrix is
a table that correlates any two baselined documents that
require a many to many relationship to the determine
completeness of the relationship. It is often used with
high-level requirements (sometimes known as Marketing
Requirements) and detailed requirements of the software
product to the matching parts of high-level design,
detailed Design, test plan, and test cases

Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 3 No

What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / guest

A document showing the relation between Test requirement
and Test case.To check whether the testcases are mapped
with the requirement

Is This Answer Correct ?    44 Yes 10 No

What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / vinutha

Traceability Matrix is a table that relates the customer
requirements and it is used inorder to ensure that all the
customer requirements have been satisfied by the test cases.

Is This Answer Correct ?    33 Yes 3 No

What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / pankaj

Traceablity matrix is document , which shows the
relationship between Requirement doc , usecase doc , Test
case doc and the defect doc. For one Requirement , there
can be one or more use case ,and for one use case there can
be one or more test case.Traceablity matrix shows the tree
structute from requirement ==>use case==>test case.
Traceablity also used for defect doc i.e If we have a bug
id of the bug than using this bug id and Traceablity matrix
we can find out which user requirement is not satisfied.

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 6 No

What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / gopi krishna.v

mapping between test cases and customer requirement is
called traceability matrix

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 8 No

What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / rama

Traceability Matrix - mapping between User Requirements and
Test Cases

User Requirements - Taken from RS or FDS whichever is
applicable in the organization
e.g. User should be able to add new record

Test Case - Contains scenario written so as to test the
requirement, with an unique number for reference

Traceability Matrix contains the following columns:
(example values are given in brackets)
Sl.No (1)
FDS/RS Name (FDS_New Module.doc_1.0)
FDS/RS Path (\\inserver\documents\)
Requirement (BR-1, SR-1, RS-1)
Coding Section (add_new - routine names used in code or
name of the coding section given by developer)
Development Resource (Developer's Name)
Test Case (TC_001)
Testing Resource (Tester's name)
Testing Status (Pass/Fail)

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 5 No

What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / sripathi venkata ramesh

I am Sripathi Venkata Ramesh from Gudivada and the answer
is mentioned below

Traceability Matrix: Traceability matrix is a document
defines mapping between customer requirements and prepared
test cases

It is used mainly to trace the customer requirements and
the prepared test cases. if we miss any requirements then
we need to cover those - mainly for tracing

architecture varies from companies to companies and project
to project

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / prashant

Tracebility Matrix is a Crystallized the requirement at the
granular level and map each requirement to different
documents like Functional requirement specification,
Software Requirement specification test Case SDD test plan

Requirement No FRS section SRS section TC No. SDD
Section Test Plan
A 1.2 2.2 7 2.2.3 3.1

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 6 No

What is Traceability matrix? Why it is used? Can u tell me the architecture of that?..

Answer / geetha

In a software development process, a Traceability Matrix is
a table that correlates any two baselined documents that
require a many to many relationship to the determine
completeness of the relationship.
Traceability Matrix - mapping between User Requirements and
Test Cases

User Requirements ,Taken from RS or sRs which ever is
applicable in the organization
e.g. User should be able to add new record

Test Case - Contains scenario written so as to test the
requirement, with an unique number for reference

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 6 No

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