What is the enhancement for user exit for bex reporting?
What are tickets.
What are the options available in update rule?
What is standard and exception aggregation?
What are the advantages of new LO extraction?
Can you partition a cube that has data already?
When you fill in the values for selection, what are the options available in general?
What is web template.
How do you transform OH data?
What is an open hub service?
WHAT IS THE MAIN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INFOPACKAGE & DTP? WHAT ARE THE REPEATED TABLES WE ARE USE IN REALTIM PROJECTS? WHAT IS THE DELTA UPDATE IN LOCOCKPIT? WHAT ARE THE TABLES IN SD,FISL & MM? How to we modify the processchain running errors? what is the repeated error in realtim projects? tel me the realtime flow & hw to answer the interview level?
How is OLAP application different from OLTP application?
as you said you have worked on cubes and ods, which one is better suited for reporting? Explain and what are the drawbacks and benefits of each one?