To Write a C program to remove the repeated characters in
the entered expression or in entered characters(i.e)
removing duplicates.
String contains only lowercase characters ['a'-'z']
#include<stdio.h> main() { register i=5; char j[]= "hello"; printf("%s %d",j,i); }
main() { int i=300; char *ptr = &i; *++ptr=2; printf("%d",i); }
main() { char *p = “ayqm”; char c; c = ++*p++; printf(“%c”,c); }
Hi, i have a project that the teacher want a pyramid of numbers in C# or java...when we click a button...the pyramid should be generated in a listbox/or JtextArea...and the pyramid should have the folowing form: 1 232 34543 4567654 567898765 67890109876 7890123210987 890123454321098 90123456765432109 0123456789876543210 Plz help with codes...didn't find anything on the net.
#define square(x) x*x main() { int i; i = 64/square(4); printf("%d",i); }
4 Answers Google, HCL, Quick Heal, WTF,
main() { int i =10, j = 20; clrscr(); printf("%d, %d, ", j-- , --i); printf("%d, %d ", j++ , ++i); } a. 20, 10, 20, 10 b. 20, 9, 20, 10 c. 20, 9, 19, 10 d. 19, 9, 20, 10
main() { int x=5; for(;x!=0;x--) { printf("x=%d\n", x--); } } a. 5, 4, 3, 2,1 b. 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 c. 5, 3, 1 d. none of the above
What is data _null_? ,Explain with code when u need to use it in data step programming ?
main() { int i; i = abc(); printf("%d",i); } abc() { _AX = 1000; }
how can i search an element in an array
2 Answers CTS, Microsoft, ViPrak,
why the range of an unsigned integer is double almost than the signed integer.
main() { int i = 258; int *iPtr = &i; printf("%d %d", *((char*)iPtr), *((char*)iPtr+1) ); }