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Quick Heal Interview Questions
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what is sychronization point in qtp how u put in yr application when it is put wat is its use how it is useful

3 10798

I have done BE Computers and immedietly I took admission for MBA Marketing. Questions is: Why MBA immedietly after BE? Why Marketing?

1 6441

#define square(x) x*x main() { int i; i = 64/square(4); printf("%d",i); }

4 36293

Find the missing number in the series: 14 11 ? 14 6 12 8 plz reply.

7 18328

What is the use of taskbar?

2 10511

What is Linux language details


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Which web server is best for python?


Is it possible to operate a synchronous 2-poles turbogenerator with a still-in-place faulted bar but electrically disconnected ???? If yes, should I act on the other phases as well ???


Explain what does the term "green architecture" mean? : Dot net architecture


What does count (*) mean in sql?


What is tree shaking angular?


What are the Oracle specific tuning should be done?


Functional testing?


Define what is the significance of the arrow-head in the transistor symbol?


What is the cause of thrashing?


What are native methods?


How many ways are there to determine the charges for ppc?


2. A product selected for testing is equally likely to have been produced by one the 6 machines/processes. (i) Determine sample space ‘S’ (ii) What is the probability that the product is from machine 1? (iii) What is the probability that the product is from machine 2 or machine 4? (iv) What is the probability that the product is from both machine 5 and machine 3? (v) What is the probability that the product is not from machine 6? (vi) What is the probability that the product is not from either machine 6 or machine 1?

1702 mvc application, makes use of settings at 2 places for routing to work correctly. What are these 2 places?


What are the jdbc drivers in java?


For what building Built-on balconies are preferable? What are the advantages?