What is the difference between functions, procedures, and packages in pl/sql?
What are pl/sql cursors?
Can you do multiple joins in sql?
How to start the command-line sql*plus?
what's the difference between a primary key and a unique key? : Sql dba
What is the difference between left join and left outer join?
i have table T!. A B C D NULL 1 2 3 4 NULL 5 6 7 8 NULL 9 10 11 12 NULL. I WANT COUNT OF NULL VALUES IN TABLE. WRITE A QUERY.
Write the order of precedence for validation of a column in a table? I. Done using database triggers. Ii. Done using integarity constraints
1) Synonyms 2) Co-related Subquery 3) Different Jobs in Plsql 4) Explain Plan 5) Wrap 6) Query Optimization Technique 7) Bulk Collect 8) Types of index 9) IF primary key is created then the index created ? 10) Foreign Key 11) Exception Handling 12) Difference Between Delete and Trunc 13) Procedure Overloading 14) Grant Revoke 15) Procedure Argument types. 16) Functions. 17) Joins
Does sap use sql?
Regarding joins what are the differences you observed in oracle 9i and sql server?
What is a subquery in sql?
What is cold data?