What are pl/sql cursors?
What is the maximum number of triggers, you can apply on a single table?
What does sign mean sql?
suppose u hav 1 book with set...page 1-100 n 101 -200 now print page from 2-100 n 102 -200... how we will do..?
How do I sort a table in sql?
Mention what are different methods to trace the pl/sql code?
what is the cursor and use of cursor in pl/sql ?
How will you a activate/deactivate integrity constraints?
there is A table and B table in A table there 5 rows and in b table there are 2 rows i am firing query select * from a,b what will be the output?
What are the parameter modes supported by pl/sql?
3. Select sum(a) sum_1,max(a) max_1 ,count(a) count_1 from ( ( select 1 a from dual union all Select to_number(‘2011’) a from dual union all select 1 a from dual) union select 2 b from dual);
What is sql performance tuning?
What is db journal file?