Write the order of precedence for validation of a column in a table? I. Done using database triggers. Ii. Done using integarity constraints
Which is faster view or stored procedure?
What is int identity in sql?
What are the types of variables use in pl sql?
Can you call pl/sql package functions from within a fast formula?
Is sql injection illegal?
I have one table,in that table (1)i have java1.1 version books are 2 and java1.5 version books are 4. (2).Net2.0 books are 3, .Net3.5 books are 2 (3)ABC1.6 books are 4, ABC2.0 books are 3. Now i want output is like Book Count Java 6 .Net 5 ABC 7 For this i need sql query, please help me if anyone how to get this result. Thanks, Seenu
What do you understand by pl/sql records?
how to get a list of all tables in a database? : Sql dba
Table A Table B 1 1 2 1 3 1. Union & union all --> A Union B , A Union all B 2. Minus , Intersect --> A minus B , B Minus A , A Intersect B 3. Joins A join B , A Left Join B A Right Join B , A full Join B 4. %Type - Uses & Benifit 5. Truncate & Delete 6. Pragma Autonomus Transaction 7. how to Perform DDL from function or procedure 8. Can we have DML inside Function 9. Rank & Dense Rank diffrence 10. Water Mark in Oracle 11. Index , Can we have index in all column of table if no then why ?
What is rollback?
What is on delete set null?
Why is a trigger used?