what's the difference between a primary key and a unique key? : Sql dba
If the base table structure is changed what will happen to join index????
What is foreign key and example?
What is sqlexception in java?
Show the two pl/sql cursor exceptions.
Can a table have two primary keys?
How to get list of all tables from a database?
What are the differences between Database Trigger and Integrity constraints ?
How do you clear the screen in sql?
How to execute OS(operating system) command from pl/sql?
In testing where do we use sql language and how it helps in testing?
What are actual parameters and formal parameters?
Practice 1: Changes to data will only be allowed on tables during normal office hours of 8.45 in the morning until 5.30 in the afternoon, MONDAY through FRIDAY. A. Create a procedure called SECURE_DML that prevents the DML statement from executing outside of normal office hours, returning the message: “you may only make changes during normal office hours” b. Create a statement trigger on the PRODUCT table which calls the above procedure. c. Test it by inserting a new record in the PRODUCT table.