What is cold data?
Can we rename a column in the output of sql query?
select top 3 sal from each dept?
17 Answers IBM, TCS,
what are the advantages and disadvantages of views in a database? : Sql dba
What is difference between rank () row_number () and dense_rank () in sql?
there is A table and B table in A table there 5 rows and in b table there are 2 rows i am firing query select * from a,b what will be the output?
oracle is compiler or interpretter,can any one tell me the answer?
how to create object in plsql
Write a sql query to get the third highest salary of an employee from employee_table?
what are aggregate and scalar functions? : Sql dba
in procedure how to return a value
What is the difference between unique and primary key constraints?
How do you write an index?