What normalization means?
What sql does db2 use?
select 10 from dual; y its showing all the rows with 10?
Where can I learn sql for free?
what is a database transaction? : Sql dba
Can we use commit inside a trigger?
While inserting 10 rows using procedure, if 3rd entry is having some error, what will be the output? How u will handle that error?
Dear All, Question for this Week Find out possible error(s) (either at compile time or at runtime) in the following PL/SQL block. State the reason(s) and correct the errors. Declare Cursor C1 is select ename, sal, comm from emp; Begin For i in C1 Loop If i.comm between 299 and 999 then Dbms_output.put_line(i.Ename || ‘ ** Good Commission’); Elsif i.comm > 999 then Dbms_output.put_line(i.Empno || ‘ ** Very Good Commission’); close C1; Else Dbms_output.put_line(i.Ename || ‘ ** ’ ||nvl(i.comm,‘O’)); End if; End Loop; End;
What is a heap in sql?
write an sql query to get third maximum salary of an employee from a table named employee_table. : Sql dba
Why primary key is required?
how to install mysql? : Sql dba
How to return multiple records from procedure?