1. Which is an aggregate function?
a. Union b. like c. max d. Rank
What is the process of copying data from table a to table b?
What is oracle pl sql developer?
Which is faster truncate or drop?
mail-id table contains two columns(email_id,userid) it contains different types of mail-ids,and no of users. here username length is differ na,(ex- tamil@yahoo.com,joshua@hotmail.com like) now i want to fetch the email-ids only starting from '@' (ex-@gmail.com,@yahoo.com,@hotmail.com
what is table? : Sql dba
Can we create table inside stored procedure?
what is self-join? : Sql dba
Which data dictionary views have the information on the triggers that are available in the database?
What does a pl/sql package consist of?
Why do we use sql constraints?
How do you define a foreign key?
How do I view tables in mysql?