How to generate a salary slip like
jan 1000 1000
feb 1000 2000
dec 1000 12000
what is the correct way of selection statement a. select/from/table_name/orderby/groupby/having b. select/from/table_name/groupby/having/orderby
5 Answers HCL, JPMorgan Chase,
Can we write ddl statements in functions?
Explain the concept of normalization.
What is the difference between drop and truncate commands?
how to fetch common records from two tables? : Sql dba
Where the integrity constrints are stored in Data Dictionary?
wht is the difference between truncat,drop in sqlserver wht is the difference between function and stored procedure
what is oracle sql,pl/sql with interfaces
When is the explicit cursor used ?
What does data normalization mean?
Why do we need cursors in pl sql?
what is a database lock ? : Sql dba