Hi how to import oracle sequence in Informatica?
Please write stored procedure code that will import oracle
sequence in Informatica SP transformation as per below
scenario Oracle table product list
Pro_id, pro_name
101, LED Lights.
102, 20watt CFL Lights.
103, 30 watt CFL lights
Now a new flat file with new product list needs to be added
to oracle table product list with oracle sequence.
flat file product
1, 20 watt tube light
2, 30 watt tube light
& target should be like
101, LED Lights.
102, 20watt CFL Lights.
103, 30 watt CFL lights.
104, 20 watt tube light
105, 30 watt tube light
thks reg
suvarna joshi
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Hi am new to PLSQL & facing problems in writing code like in SP, Functions, so any one having some SP coding with in depth explanation please share with me my Email ID suvarnaatsuvarna@rediffmail.com Or taking tanning on this please do contact me
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