Write a query to get last 10 records from the table.

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Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / jprakash025

select * from emp
select * from emp
rownum<=(select count(*)-10 from emp);


SQL> select * from
2 (select rownum a, emp.* from emp)
3 where
4 a>(select max(rownum)-10 from emp);

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 2 No

Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / l meher

select * from emp minus select * from emp where rownum<=
(select count(*)-10 from emp);

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / praveen biradar

select empno from (select empno from emp order by empno
desc) where rownum<=10 order by empno

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 6 No

Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / pallavi v

with temp as
(select * from emp order by rownum desc)
select * from temp where rownum < = 10

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Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / siddharthapenchala

select * from <TN>
select * from <TN>
rownum <= (select count(*) - &n from <TN>)

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Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / nzabin

select PO_header_id from (select PO_header_id from PO_HEADERS_ALL order by PO_header_id
desc) where rownum <=10 order by PO_header_id;

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Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / sudhir

select rownum, p.*
from (select * from <table name> order by param_cd desc) p
where rownum <= 10 ;

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Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / akshaya

select * from last10
select * from last10
where row >= (select COUNT(*)-10 from last10)

condition should be >= not <=
for all the above queries

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Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / swastik


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Write a query to get last 10 records from the table...

Answer / chandrakishan

select * from emp where rownum>=
(select count(*)-10 from emp);

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

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