What is consignment stock?
A PO has 50 items all the 50 items have the same price. Instead of entering the price for each item 50 times is there any option in SAP where the common price can be entered in one go?
Can we receive the goods before the scheduled delivery date in scheduling agreement?
What are basic tables used for material master?
What are the types of tables in SAP?
How you can change the standard price in the master material?
How does the system calculate taxes?
PO made for 100 pcs and GR for 100 Pc but received the invoice for 110 pcs. How you will address this ?
4 Answers Essar, IBM, Maventic,
What is the last step in the procurement cycle?
What settings required to create purchase order automatically from a pr?
How to give specifications for developments?
What are the account assignment categories in a purchase order?
What are release groups and release codes?