How is the vendor created?
What is the function obyc?
What are the initial configuration steps for inventory management?
what r da topics that an enduser will get traind during implementation for SAP mm
What is partner function & configuration
What is purchase requisition as related to sap?
In a Hospital a material which is medisin they procured it and issue to CC and all stock is consumed. now stock is "0" Payment made to vendor company. but after 8 months all a batch testing govt. org. issues a circular that the batch which you have purchased is not effective. then Vendor company provided new material free of cost again. in this synerio how to inward that new stock. ?
What are the types of tables in SAP?
How is an item with serial no. managed?
How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?
What is the movement type used in receipt of RTP?
What are the documents generated in the MIGO 101 movement type? What are the accounts hit?
What is a 'batch' in the context of 'batch management'?