What is item category? How can we assign it?
When iam punching order after entering data like material No and quantity system should pop-up a screen of delivery date and status and invoice data and details, How can we configure this?
In sales order how system does picks up plant?
How we can allow performance based rebate, is it affecting To billing?, if not then how it affect to accruals? What is Customisation for it? Arun
What is sap transport layer? : transportation management
What’s forward scheduling and backward scheduling activator? There’s a concept called forward scheduling and backward scheduling logic when you do an availability check whenever your order is created system will check whether it’s forward scheduling or backward scheduling, if it’s fatal we have a concept of how is it working, how is that you created as part of your available promise concept? Whatever that date is being considered as part of the logic, whatever the date that is configured or we maintain the data to say know that system tell to create this output back scheduling
How do you print out documents, such as order confirmations?
Explain how you can assign distribution channel to sales organization?
What is User Exit and Enhancement ? Can u explain with Specific eg ?
how system picks up pricing while doing billing?
How cost will flow from delivery(with out reference order) to billing?
What is ticketing ? and what problems u have solve in ?
What is the 'storage location rule'?