What is meant by slab? How is indian slab and us slab? : sap abap hr
What is an User exit?
What is pretty printer?
What are the 3 methods that we use in sequence in a batch input session method? : abap bdc
The standard symbols in SAP script are stored in which table?
What is the purpose of BAPI 'BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE'? Write a sample program.
what is the role of ST05 in performance tuning?
Can we use same Domain for more than Data element?
Difference between internal table and a dictionary table?
What is Transactional based Application & Role based Application?
1/ what r the parameter used in alv report ?
If I forgot some command in sap script e.g.: Suppress zero display – how to do find it?
What is ABAP query?