what is the diffreence between sap memory and abap memory
plz give the example
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Answer / lavanya
Ther are two types of memeorys available to us they are
SAP memory
ABAP memory
Sap memory
This memory is the total sap memory i.e we can scroll
through various sessions.
Whereas ABAP memory is confined only to one particular
session i.e one tcode.
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Answer / manoj kumar
sap memory is the total sap memory where as abap memory is
confined to one session or we can say se38.
set parameter and get parameters are used to store the
vaklue of varable and transsport to another session
trheses are used as sap memory units
and import and export are used as abap memory units to
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Answer / abhishek kumar
SAP memory is a memory area to which all main sessions
within a SAPgui have access.You can use SAP memory either
to pass data from one program to another within a session,
or to pass data from one session to another.
ABAP memory is a memory area that all ABAP programs within
the same internal session can access using the EXPORT and
IMPORT statements.
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Answer / busha
the memory allocated for all prasentaion layers is called
sap memory or shared memory
the memory allocated for each and every prasentaion layer
is called abap memory or work process memory.
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