What are the aggregate objects in data dictionary? : sap abap data dictionary
what is Foreign key, check table and value table ....? what is the difference between CHECK AND VALUE TABLE ..? PLEASE GIVE THE APPROPRIATE ANSWERS......
what is exact difference between uline ad sy-uline?
What is difference between BDC and Call Transaction?
Run Time Analysis - Transaction code?
Explain the use of table maintenance allowed?
Which configuration we have to make first before we want to start Business Workflow with our SAP R/3
plz can any one list out the set of questions on support project. I am waiting for ur reply
What are internal tables? How do you get the number of lines in an internal table? How to use a specific number occurs statement?
what is the client on which u have worked? In real time ?
What are data classes? What are the various data classes available for selection? : abap data dictionary
What is the significance of the screen number ‘0’?
What you did in scripts?
3 Answers Cap Gemini, FutureSoft,