What are the main uses of the primary key?
What is PS structure
what is the tcode for creating the invoice?
How many types of data classes are there in sap abap? : abap data dictionary
tell me ddic objects
How do you connect to the remote server if you are working from the office for the client in remote place?
Is Multiple Inheritance possible in ABAP ? If Yes How ,If no How ?
Difference between sy-tabix and sy-index? Where it is used? Can you check sy-subarc after perform?
1.what is the difference between e-commerce 4.0 and 5.0 2.how dose price determnation takes place using ipc 3.how dose data gets updated in your backend system 4.what is your system landscape 5.how do you transport the data from devolopment sys to quality and from quality to production servers.
Q : I want to see material details in secondary list based on material No. from basic list. I will double click on any row, any field of basic list (not on field containing material no.) & the secondary list will display material details according to material No. on that row. Is it possible? If so how?
what is the difference between standard and sorted internal tables? (in performance wise)
What is the use of SLIS type pool in Alv reports ?
How to declare select-option as a parameter?