What are awb and bex ?
Tell us what are set parameters and get parameters?
What is meant by "business content" in sap?
MOdules in TSW
on what is the process of transfer of Overhead cost from production Cost centres to Productuon orders?
Mention what is the difference between the "residual payment" and "partial payment" methods of allocating cash in account receivable?
Explain what is bex?
How many methods of bdc are there?
Tell us what is a transaction in sap terminology?
Can I know about SAP for Insurance.
Tell me what is meant by “business content” in sap?
What is user exit in sap sd?
I am B.Tech(CSE) & working in textile mill in IT dept. where implement SAP ag6.0 at Branch side all module like (SD,FICO,MM) etc. And Database & application server at HEAD Ofice(diffrent site).what will be my future in this field (ABAP,BASIS ,Functionality)etc.