Explain what are extracts?
In selection screen I have three fields- Plant, Material No, and Material group.If i insert plant how do i get the material no and material group based on plant dynamically?
Difference between transparent tables and pooled tables ?
hi experts, "move 'I' to s_ktokd-sign. move 'EQ' to s_ktokd-option." Can any one please explain me meaning of two lines? actually we use this move key word to move a value from one field variable to another field variable? i didn't understand the meaning of these statements?
Kindly help me to Know the process of mapping in EDI from R/3 to a convertor(third party which translates IDoc flatfile to EDIFACT /XML / FTP /HTTP ) ?
hi friends i am having one doubt. if i have main window in secondpage also in smart form wether it will trigger are not?
Pls reply me 1)can i debuging the idoc. 2)give some example of pool table and cluster table. 3)what is update module.
What are the types of the software component being deployed in the sap?
how to search for a badi?
IN scripts we have std layouts like medruk,in smartform do we have any?if i copy the std script in zscript and migrate will it work?
why sapscripts are client dependent and smartforms are cliet independent,plz give me a brief explanation,thank u.
What are the function modules used to create batch input session? : abap bdc
How LSMW is advantageous than normal BDC?