You wan to limit the display to inbox -workflow tasks only. How can you do that?
I want to find out who the approver has been substituted with in the system. How can I do that?
What is the difference between swdd and swdd configuration?
What steps will you take while send a standard text as an e-mail from workflow?
How do you set up a user to receive a pop-up reminder when he/she gets a new wf message?
can any1 send documents on how 2 understand Workflow, with say a simple example to try out in SAP ?
What is the difference between work item and notification e-mail?
What are the advantages of sap business workflow?
How does webflow relate to sap business workflow?
Define condition step.
List the various advantages of sap business workflow.?
What are the important tcodes?
What is a background work item ? Are they displayed in the business workplace?