Explain the staffing status
How do you create an evaluation path?
What is the abkrs feature?
What is the characteristic of a half-day holiday class?
What is an info-type ?
1.I have executives,directors and clerks. I want to pay on Ist of every month for executives and directors and I want to pay on 5th of every month for clerks. Then how many payroll areas i have to create ? Please can anybody give a answer for this question.
What is the link between planned working time infotype (it 0007) and basic pay infotype (it 0008)?
if user forgets to put personnel number in OC run...and IT 0267 is maintained or not maintained...what will happen in that case...
what is interface and which interface have u used in ur implimentation? what is database have u used for personnel administration? what is the integration between P.D & payroll? what is integration between E.C.M & payroll?-----------Polaris, hyd. what is version upgrade cycle?---------- itc info tech what r the ABAP programs have u used in ur implementation? what are the patches have u used in payroll?- itc infotech
Tell me something about the it payroll status?
what are the different time evaluation schemas?
Which elements determine the enterprise structure for personnel administration?
What are the steps you would take to create the payroll area.