Which is the oldest hydropower plant in india?
. Why the transmission lines are in 11kV, 22kV, 33kv, and why not 10kV, 20kV, 30kV?
One Township having 850 house and each house load is 2.2KW single phase & 5HP 3 Phase motors of 10 Nos .Who can calculate 11 KV transformer capacity .dilip_bhasker@yahoo.co.in
How to make vector group test of transformer?
what is difference between ELCB, RCBO & MCB
difference b/w series¶llel
What is the tolerence limit between neutral and earth in 230 V AC System?
what is the path of electron when a static electron is placed in a magnetic field?
For 7.5kw star delta starter how to calculate 1. Mccb rating 2. Contactor rating 3. Over load relay rating
what is difference between single phase and three phase.
what is the problem of generator over voltage.?except automatic voltage regulator card
If we have a 2000kva load,How much kvar capacitors we go to add to improve the power factor at 0.9?pls give the calculation and fully theory?
What are the three types of compensators?