Define unilateral circuit?
as we know that N=120f/P speed of an im can be controled only through changing no if poles, can we control by changing the frequncy????
For the same power rating,which motor is bigger in size,AC or DC?
What is difference between insulating medium and fault current interruption medium in a switching device.
a 3 phase slip ring induction motor is wound for 4 poles on stator and 6 poles on rotor; when 3 phase balanced voltage source at 50 hz is applied to motor it will run at a)1500rpm b)1000rpm c)750 rpm d)zero rpm
13 Answers Essar, PSPCL, PSTCL,
what will happen if neutal in AC ckt will get open
What do you mean by a phase angel of instrument transformer?
What are the relays in ACB and VCB
How to calculate the 2500 Kva Transformer losses Primary 11KV Secondary 415volts
generator(Deutz 550kv)is runing for 2 hours with load of 900 amp and then it goes in shutdown with alarm fault messege of speed fault although heirtz reading fixed at 50,what does that mean
how can we change the supply frequency?
Why electric traction is used ??
What is the working principle of CFL & T5 tube light & 40W tube light with electronic ballast?