What is meant by dimensioning?
how to calculate sand, aggregate and cement in m25 concrete?
2 Answers CCL Products, Western Infrastructure,
how to calculate the quantity of steel used for construction..
1sqm=? wood
2 Answers Ackruti, Nagarjuna Construction, SRS Group,
tensile strength of shuttering ply wood=?
What is the crank length in the slab?
For raft 3000mm thickness with T25150 mesh reinf in top and bottom what diameter can be used for chair to support mesh reinforcement
100 cubic meter of concrete will contain how much amount of cement, sand and aggregate to form a mix of M15
cement mortar 1:6 explain the cement and sand coefficient calculation?
how do we find the nos of bricks in 1 m3 brick masonary
why construction joint in the slab should be l/3 of span? what's the technical reason for that?
Ratio for 4500 psi concrete