What is a temporal join?
can anyone explain me in detail about exceptions? How to you handle them in realtime by giving one example?
Can you make an info object as info provider and why?
what is an index and types? what is use and where to be used?
I have 80 queries which query is taking so much time how can you solve it
what are types of update rules and transfer rules? and what are the routines to be used in bw 3.5?
What are the general tuning guidelines?
How do you use print settings?
How does delta update mechanism work in ods?
What is the purpose of sap bw/bi?
Is the user exit common for all data sources?
what is difference between star schema and extend star schema?
How to fetch the data from sap-r/3, sap-bw/bi to informatica system? what is step by step procedure? at what senario you retrieve the data from sap system to informatica or say dwh system? --