What are the sap business one modules?
What are the different types of datasources ?
In sap business one sdk, which object is used for executing sql queries and stored procedures ?
If You Create a Compounding Attribute How many primary Keys it Generates?
we can use init delta with data transfer instead full update. In which scenario full update helpful?
What are three dimensions provided by SAP?
what advantage of ic with aggregates
what is the difference between DBCONNECT AND UDCONNECT IN SAP BI SYSTEM
i am raj i have attended lot of interviews but i could not get job. the interviwer asking me some real time scanrions please tell me any one . 1. expalin u have created any customize cube? 2. what is ur exp in bex and wad? 3. howmany reports u have created? give one scenario abour calculated key figure and formula? 4. tell me some recently what u have done tickets give me 2 tickets explain briefly? 5.what they (off shore team) have done ?
How does cell editor works in BEx.
Explain different parts of di api?
Hi Experts, What are the common Transport errors in SAP BW?
what is concept behind incoming payment and outgoing payment?