What is the relationship existing between the various data elements? : abap data dictionary
What is collective search help? : sap abap data dictionary
What is ps structure? : abap hr
what is macro and function?
Whether Project contains enhancement or Enhancement contains Projects?
What do you mean by cluster tables in sap abap? Also explain what do you mean by table cluster? : abap data dictionary
Do we have to migrate all sapscript forms to smart forms?
What two statements are required in an abap program to output an icon using a written statement?
with out doing any action how to go another screen ,means when ever control comes to that particular field this action has to be done?
2 Answers Bristle Cone, Cap Gemini, HP, Satyam, Wipro,
how do you supress blank spaces in sap scripts?
in reports how to use the table control tabstrips . what is its procedure.
What are the three ways for searching for Enhancements ?
What are the methods of interfacing to SAP