What is the dimension in bw? How would you optimize the dimensions?
how to load data to direct update DSO in sap bi
How do start routine and return table synchronize with each other?
What are the restrictions/recommendations for using remote cube?
what is dsp.how many types of dso's
I don't have master data it will possible to load transaction data? it is possible is there any other steps to do that one
What is a characteristics variable?
what are the info cube developed in a sap project?name them and what is the requirement?
What are conversion routines for units and currencies in the update rule?
What are the destination target options?
If you are asked to change the way tables are displayed in web reporting how would you do this?
Apart from r/3, which legacy db you used for extraction ?
please can anybody explain about monitering tcodes RSMO RSPC RSPCM and how to work with the DATA LOAD issues ?