What will exactly the hide statement do?
Difference between Insert, Update and Modify?
why we use 4 msg variable in BDCMSGCOLL stucture in BDC? why not more or less than 4?
do 4 times. sy-tabix,sy-index. end do. what is the output ?
what is an user exit?
When a program is created and need to be transported to prodn does selection texts always go with it? If not how do you make sure? Can you change the cts entries? How do you do it?
how to debug the smartform? plz tell me step by step process or screen shots?
What are the different types of loops in the sap abap?
hi,how to diable the popup window which is displayed afetr executing the SAP script program?
What is the typical structure of an ABAP program?
what is the use of protect / end protect control command in the scripts?
What are the types of data types in the sap abap?
What is exception class and test class. How to use it?