Explain the Inportance of pa30? : abap hr
what is macro and function?
if multiple badi can be active at a time, how will we know which implementation will be fired first . how to know the sequence in which implementation is fired.
Importance of PA20, PA30 and PA40
What is the max no of match code id's that can be defined for one match code object? : abap data dictionary
How do you get the number of lines in an internal table? How to use a specific number occurs statement?
what is the use of FOR ALL ENTRIES in an internal table?
9 Answers Keane India Ltd, PCS, Wipro,
Explain what is the difference between primary key and unique key?
In Interactive Report : How to come from Secondary List 10 to secondary list 4? what is the Program code?
i have a doubt ,what is the difference between the workarea and headerline . plz tell me .
What is meant by performance analysis? Have done anything to improve the performance?
How to change standard data base table ?
What is the use of buffering?