What is the meaning of accrual calculation? : cost center accounting
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Is it possible to configure the system to pick up a different exchange rate type for a particular transaction?
what iss document spliting?
whome to report a functional consultant ?
if customere and vendor are the same one,where ar is 1000 and ap is 4000,how would we deduct and pay remaining 3000 in app?
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my business is running from 2005 till now. how i want to introduce SAP system in organization. for this my plan like this : opening balance fy 2010-11 is taken and fy 2011-12 data is uploaded. My question is how to take fy 2010-11 opening balance with complete configuration procedure?
Hi How can we delete a general, document, business area, company code & etc.,? Thank you
In asset accounting what are the organizational assignments?
Hi Gurus, I have faced a problem while trying to post a withholding tax. I configure the withholding tax fully and after that i have also assigned it to vendor of my company code.When i'm posting that vendor a/c with withholding tax, the tax has been calculated, but when i'm trying to post it delivers an error message to me- i.e. "could not determine the year for TDS certificate number range". Plz, help me out from this.
How do you maintain exchange rates in sap? : cost center accounting
What are all the major components of a chart of accounts?