What is boucholz relay and the significance of it in to the trformer?
what is neutral voltage
in a solar power plant,we are going to step up the voltage 350V to 33kv, and to 132kv GSS. i want to ask that if it is possible that 315v/33kv is not possible because we also use 315v/11kv. or it should be 415v/33kv? is it effects generation or losses? the second question is-generation is depends on LV winding? or LV winding design for generation voltage?
Which device of PlC does share load between DG sets when DG are running in perallel?
draw the restricted earth fault protection circuit install on power transformer and identify its parameters and draw C/C curve of it
why neutral and body earthing of transformers kept separated? what is distance between two is required as per is?
v=I*R, i.e V is directly proportional to I. now P=V*I. so V=P/I. thus v is inversely proportional to I. so what is the correct one? If both are correct than for which kind of condition this 2 differ
What is mean by diversity Fator?
What is the gain of 1-s/1=s at 1 rad/sec?
how bucchos relay works in a transformer
How much maximum power can be transmitted on 66 KV transmission line?
1 Answers Konark, NDPL, Torrent Power,
how step up transformer step up the voltage and what is the reason behind it?