What are the advantages and disadvantages of using plastic and timber fenders?
difference between specification and method of statement
What is BDF flooring?
how much cft in 1 bag cement.
9 Answers Pinto Construction, Synergy,
what is slump
5 Answers JMC Projects, Puravankara,
How can i calculate the amount cement, steel , sand nd aggregate reguired for 1000 sq ft of r.c.c?
2 Answers Agrawal Construction,
Why are L-beams (cast monoloithic with slab)that usually occur at the slab edge, provided with overhangs?
Advantages and Disadvantages of using fly ash bricks over clay bricks?
11 Answers Pradhi Engineering,
how to caluclate sienerge qty in construction in ap
Which is the best book for building construction?
What is rate of concrete surface rendering work per sqm
how to calculate for ramp slop?
How to calculate the cement plastering for circular and rectangular water storage tanks and how to calculate the area of circular and rectangular floor?? Please help me